You’re generally not obligated to engage an Australian immigration lawyer or migration agent to prepare and submit your visa application. But be very mindful of the fact that these applications can be far more complex and involved than what you’d expect. It’s not simply a matter of submitting a handful of forms. Engaging an immigration lawyer may cost more, but you need to consider the outcomes of not using one.
Obtaining a visa can be a life-changing opportunity for many. Because of this, your chances can be greatly improved with the help and guidance of professionals who have the necessary legal training and experience to help you obtain your visa.
Our Lazarus Legal lawyers are not only qualified or experienced in providing professional immigration advice, they also have a genuine appreciation of this major step in your life. With access to a deep understanding of the intricacies of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and Australian immigration law, rest assured your application is in safe hands.
In our experience, taking on such a costly task alone without help is simply not in you or your family’s best interests. Don’t take a risk when your future depends significantly on this.
Why Lazarus Legal Immigration Lawyers: Key Differences between Australian Immigration Lawyers and Australian Migration Agents
Here in Australia, the Migration Agents Registration Authority, otherwise known as MARA, is the body responsible for the regulation of Australian migration practitioners and providing them with guidelines and policies. The MARA requires any firm or individual who seeks to provide immigration advice and or assistance to be registered with the authority as MARA certified Australian migration practitioners.
An important distinction needs to be made between the various types of Australian migration practitioners. While Australian immigration lawyers can often be referred to as Australian migration agents, it is not the case that all Australian migration agents can claim to be Australian immigration lawyers. The biggest differences between the two is the level of training and regulation that applies to both.
Another difference between a Migration Lawyer and Migration agent is that by using a Migration Lawyer you are protected by legal professional privilege, (confidentiality/non-disclosure) subject to a few exceptions. Clients of Migration Agents, simply do not have that privilege.
Regulation of Australian Immigration Lawyers & Migration Agents
While both Australian immigration lawyers and migration agents need to be registered with MARA, Australian immigration lawyers are further required to be registered with their respective State or Territories’ Legal Admission Board and Law Society. This imposes a higher level of regulation, professional codes and ethics than those required of migration agents.
Our Lazarus Legal advisors are both registered migration agents and registered Australian lawyers. This ensures we have your back in more ways than one, giving you that added peace of mind that your application and next step in your life journey is in the safe hands of experienced and qualified professionals. who not only know the requirements required by MARA, but are also on top of every other piece of regulation governing legal practice here in NSW.

Training and Experience of and Australian Immigration Lawyer
o be able to qualify as Immigration Lawyer in Australia, the first step is to complete at least three years of university education, which includes compulsory core subjects in practices areas including Australian Administrative Law, which teaches the mechanisms that are put in place to allow for legal challenges to be made against Government decisions, such as the grant or refusal of Australian visa applications.
Once an Australian Immigration Lawyer graduates, they further complete a compulsory period of practical experience in the form of supervised legal work under the guidance of a fully qualified mentor. Therefore when it comes to making that all-important decision in obtaining advice from an Australian Immigration Lawyer, you can rest assured that our team possesses the necessary skills and experience in navigating your application through the Australian migration law and procedures.
Immigration Legal Assistance vs Immigration Assistance
Registered migration agents according to section 276 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) may provide what is called immigration assistance. An Australian Immigration Lawyer who is also a registered migration agent can both provide immigration assistance and immigration legal assistance according to section 277 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth). This is incredibly important when taking into consideration just how much of the visa application process is focused on legalities and therefore knowing exactly how those laws will uniquely affect your application is crucial in the quality of its preparation, submission and ultimate approval.
Australian immigration law is incredibly complex. Like all aspects of the law, it is constantly changing and regularly evolving. It is an Australian Immigration Lawyers’ job to stay on top of these changes by frequently reviewing new pieces of legislation, reviewing changes to current legislation, interpreting new case law and being mindful of newly implemented government policy.
In effect, immigration matters frequently involve other implicit and embedded issues that arise, be it family law, employment law, property law or tax law. In these circumstances, only an Australian Immigration Lawyer (like our advisors at Lazarus Legal) can provide you with the necessary advice to bridge that gap between lodging the application, succeeding and finally establishing yourself and your family here in Australia.
Lazarus Legal, based in Bondi Junction, is here to help you RISE ABOVE… the “Queue”. To find out more, speak with us today on 02 8644 6000, email us, or use our online chatbot to send us a message.

Mark Lazarus
Mark Lazarus, the visionary behind the business and the fresh blood of the Lazarus Legal team, Mark (or Laz as he is often known) owes much of his success to his past experiences. And he’s made it his personal goal to bring that wisdom and formula to the firm.