They Trade Marked What?

They Trade Marked What?

From song lyrics to colours, to signature poses. Over the years, there have been some unusual and unexpected trade marks that have been both successfully and unsuccessfully registered. 

To Register or not to Register, that is the question?

To fully understand these unusual trade marks, we need to first understand what a trade mark is. Yeah, we know it’s not the most exciting part, right? But bear with us while we get the law ‘101’ out of the way.

A trade mark is essentially a sign and can include words, images, movement, sound, and scents, and can either be registered or unregistered. Unregistered trade marks are identified by the ™ symbol next to your product’s branding or logo. When it is unregistered, depending on whether it has accumulated enough of a reputation, your trade mark will be subject to the common law for legal protection. A registered trade mark, on the other hand, carries the ®symbol, and once registered, you have full legal ownership over it and can take legal action to prevent others from using it (i.e. prevent them from infringing your IP).

A registered trade mark is valid for 10 years from the date it is registered and can be renewed either 12 months prior to, or 6 months post the expiry date. However, if your trade mark is not actively being used, it can be removed from registration. This means that it would be up for grabs, and another business could potentially register it as their own and take legal ownership. 

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Why are Trade Marks so Important?

Trademarks are all around us, but why are they so important? In short, a registered trademark is a valuable business asset as it assists in creating a recognisable and distinctive brand. Essentially, it is your brand’s identity. It is also a valuable marketing tool as it can effectively communicate your ‘brand image’ to consumers.

The effectiveness of trademarks as a marketing tool to create brand awareness and affiliation has been tried and tested by some of the most well-known companies. 

Everyone knows the phrase “The Race that Stops the Nation®”. Fun fact - this phrase is actually trademarked by the Victorian Racing Club and is now solely associated with the Melbourne Cup.

Everyone knows the phrase “The Race that Stops the Nation®”. Fun fact – this phrase is actually trademarked by the Victorian Racing Club and is now solely associated with the Melbourne Cup. It helped the race establish its own identity that is recognisable nationwide (and arguably internationally as well). Another well-known phrase is “Super Bowl®” which needs no further explanation because, over time, it has become associated worldwide with the brand identity of a singular sporting event. With this powerful marketing tool, renowned trademarks have launched entire industries of lucrative advertising deals for companies that wish to promote their products during the game (and if they’re lucky, even become pop culture phenomenon’s themselves).

We cannot stress this enough, because time and time again, we see young companies that are starting up continuing to overlook or by-pass a relatively simple and inexpensive legal process, which ties directly to their brand’s long-term growth potential. This is why it is absolutely crucial (and we cannot stress this enough), that you unleash the latent marketing potential of your brand’s identity by looking into trademark registration. 

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Photo by Claire Jones on Unsplash

Using Trade Marks to Tap into the Subconscious

There are many words that you use every day that you automatically associate with certain companies or products which you probably don’t even realise are trade marked. Some of these include “Band-Aid®”, “Google®”, “super-glue®” and the Aussie classic, “Vegemite®”. 

There have been some more let’s say interesting trademarks that have been both successfully and unsuccessfully registered worldwide. Many celebrities have jumped on the trademark bandwagon to protect their brand. Notably, Paris Hilton’s catchphrase “that’s hot®” was successfully registered in 2007, as well as some of Taylor Swift’s song lyrics such as “This sick beat®” and “Party like its 1989®”. It’s not only words and phrases that have been successfully registered as a trademark. Cadbury, for example, obtained a registered trademark over the shade of purple used in their logo and on their packaging. Additionally, Usain Bolt’s ‘lightning pose’ made famous by him in the 2012 Olympics, was also successfully registered.

Some further unsuccessful (but nonetheless amusing) attempts include Harley Davidson’s application to trademark the sound of their revving engine. Additionally, Kylie Jenner’s attempt to trademark her name ‘Kylie’ made headlines in 2017 when it was successfully blocked by Kylie Minogue, arguing that it would create confusion and damage to her own brand. Recently, Procter & Gamble have applied to register common abbreviations of WTF, LOL and FML for soaps and cleaning products. While the application filed in August this year has not yet been decided, it may prove problematic if the abbreviations are deemed to be common, everyday language.

When seeking to register a prospective trade mark, knowing what can and cannot be registered is important to ensure that you don’t make any costly mistakes in your application.

What is even more of a priority is to trade mark your brand name, logo, symbol or motto as soon as possible to prevent the greater risk of competing brands passing off their products as yours by using similar branding or marketing IP.

At Lazarus Legal, we have your intellectual property protected. Whether you are looking to protect your brand in Australia only or worldwide, we have you covered. Let us deal with the boring stuff so that you can get out there and confidently use your mark to “rise above” and build your brand.

If you require any assistance, contact one of our trade mark lawyers at or give us a call on 8644 6000. 

Picture of Mark Lazarus

Mark Lazarus

Mark Lazarus, the visionary behind the business and the fresh blood of the Lazarus Legal team, Mark (or Laz as he is often known) owes much of his success to his past experiences. And he’s made it his personal goal to bring that wisdom and formula to the firm.

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Barry Lazarus

CEO & Notary Public 

We’d be lying if we told you that this bloke isn’t the big honcho of our team, but his name is a dead give-away. The founder of Lazarus Legal, Barry is an old school, tough as nails lawyer. They don’t forge litigators like this anymore.

With decades of experience in both Australia and South Africa, his wisdom is as renowned as his name. Back in the days when Schwarzenegger and Van Damme were kicking ass on VHS, Barry was kicking ass in the courtroom. And after all these years, he still has a reputation for refusing to back down.Barry is definitely the badass you’d want in a fight – in court or otherwise. But really, he’s a big softie. Just don’t let him know you know that (although he probably won’t read this anyway – navigating the Internet is not his strong point).

Aside from putting other lawyers in their place, taking long walks on the beach and spending time with his family, Barry enjoys seeing others succeed. Not only is Barry a staunch and unmoving litigator, he has sharp business and commercial acumen having started up ventures from scratch and growing them into full-blown franchises – from real estate to creating ice cream, to making pasta. With his experience on both sides of the commercial and legal equation, you want this guy to be on your side, whether you’re the next Zuckerberg realising your genius, or the next Zuckerberg taking on your opponents in court.

When Barry is not busy lawyering about, he is a part-time lawn bowler and a wannabe comedian, but never took both as a day job, because let’s face it, he’s a lot better at his day job.

If someone ever threatens you to lawyer up…relax, call Barry and he’ll handle the rest. 

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Mark Lazarus Director

Mark Lazarus


The visionary behind the business and the fresh blood of the Lazarus Legal team, Mark (or Laz as he is often known) owes much of his success to his past stories and experiences. And he’s made it his personal goal to bring that wisdom and formula to the firm.

He’s a bit of jet setter, splitting his time between Australia and the UK, maximising every hour of his professional life. He thrives on this adrenalin. It allowed him to work in private practice in Sydney, act for a host of famous celebrities in London, do a two year stint as a NSW barrister (and not the pretentious coffee type in the Melbourne laneways) and more recently did a gig as the Legal Director covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa for one of the world’s coolest fast-moving consumer good brands!  

As an Aussie and UK lawyer and former barrister, Mark not only has the gift of the gab but he’ll walk the walk to prove it too. He likes to think he’s a bit like Harvey Specter or Michael Corleone, the main difference is you can actually retain him as your lawyer and consigliere. He’ll tell you how it really is and will take on any challenge head on. Although litigation and court advocacy comes naturally to him, commercial and IP is what gets his blood pumping! 

When Mark is not out there doing his thing, you will probably catch him chilling at home with his family, on the sidelines of the soccer (football) pitch cheering on his two boys, crawling through mud obstacles, or training hard at the gym. Passion and commitment is what drives Mark to succeed, along with his burning desire to disrupt the legal profession by finding new ways to change the game.

He has sights on the future. So if you’re breaking new ground, ahead of the times, and on the verge of something big, but you need someone who’s got your back and who can give you straight up advice, this is the guy you will want on speed dial.

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