As a specialist FMCG lawyer and former legal director of renowned energy drink brand, Monster, I have a particular passion for the beverage brands and the beverage space!
After spending the past 2 weeks in the US, I was blown away by the selection and creativity of innovative beverage products – everything from energy drinks, to hard seltzers, sparkling waters, CBD infused beverages and even canned water itself!
Brands that caught my attention
With a population of over 330,000,000 it’s no surprise that there are so many amazing brands that have made their way to supermarket shelves, convenience stores, gas stations and even the big theme parks!
Monster continues to thrive in the US (and globally) with its consistent innovation, bold can design and clever marketing efforts. It’s variety of products is just next level!
But since I have been in Florida, there have been two brands that have really caught my attention, and they are not energy drinks.
The first is LaCroix, a brand of sparkling water with more than 20+ flavours ranging from tangerine, to Pamplemousse (grapefruit), coconut, passionfruit, mango, cherry lime, peach pear amongst others! It’s not a flavoured sparkling water per se, but rather a subtle hint of flavour without that sweet syrup taste you would expect from other sparking flavoured waters.
The second is a brand called Liquid Death! Yes, Liquid Death – Wow that sounds unhealthy! Why would anyone want to drink something associated with death? What the hell is it? Heck, now I have to try it!
Well that’s the marketing behind the California based water brand! Yes water brand! They are selling canned water, and in only 3 years (having launched in 2019), they are valued at over $US700 million (AUD $1.07 billion) after their latest round of financing.
So how have they managed to raise that much money selling water in a can? Well, sometimes water just tastes better in a cool looking can doesn’t it? That’s at least what they have you believe, and it seems to be working!
Unlike other water brands, they have taken a bold move and created something that pushes the boundaries making it an attractive offering at concerts, in-store and online! It also focuses on its environmentally friendly style cans to differentiate themselves from the abundance of plastic bottled water products currently on the market!
My 2 cents on success in the Beverage & Startup space
So, if you want to succeed in the startup space, you don’t necessarily have to come up with the latest tech platform or even a product that has never previously existed. You can do it by literally selling ‘water’, provided your marketing and PR is on point!
I can’t wait to see where this brand (Liquid Death) goes, and whether smaller markets like Australia will get caught up with the hype that has made it so successful in the US.
So, my key take away is this! If you are truly passionate about something, go out and build it. Obviously you need to assess whether there is a market for your product or service, but don’t be deterred by other products or services that are already out there similar to your concept! Rather focus on that marketing and PR angle that will make your concept stand out from the crowd!
Oh and one last thing, if you require any legal support when it comes to your FMCG brand or concept, look no further and get in touch! I know this space very, very well and can help you navigate all the legals across multiple territories so you succeed on all fronts!
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Mark Lazarus
Mark Lazarus, the visionary behind the business and the fresh blood of the Lazarus Legal team, Mark (or Laz as he is often known) owes much of his success to his past experiences. And he’s made it his personal goal to bring that wisdom and formula to the firm.